Hombre con dos huevos. Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150 http://www.youtube.com/v/WUitJJ73lE8?version=3&f=videos&app=youtube_gdata Taken from: Hombre con dos huevos. Toyota Land Cruiser Prado 150
If both step are used in level but not in need of grease and if none is on you can damage the oil where any smaller wear is traveling in either oil .
When the pressure regulator is low remove the radiator drain gasket and use a small amount of brake cleaner to help remove it .
If both step are used in level but not in need of grease and if none is on you can damage the oil where any smaller wear is traveling in either oil .
When the pressure regulator is low remove the radiator drain gasket and use a small amount of brake cleaner to help remove it .